5. Hopewell Rocks + Arcadia


Saturday, 05.07.2008 Going to "Hopewell Rocks"


Here you can see the enormous  Low Tiden at  Bay of Fundy. The difference between Low - and High Tide is 15 - 21 m!!! 


The Flowerpots of Hopewell Rocks

At Low Tide you can go around the Flower Pots - Thats impressive!!

A lake at the Highland of Fundy NP

Pink Yarrow (also called: Red Beauty)  (achillea millefolium)

North American Porcupine - alive we didnīt see!

A lake at the Highland of Fundy NP

Common Loon 


somewhere near the border to the USA


Goodbye Canada


Sunday, 06.07.2008 Acadia NP


South of Bangor (Maine) there is the Acadia National Park - our next stop!

The Mount Desert Campground is - like me - 50  that summer!!!!

Somes Harbour (near the Campground) is related with the ocean because itīs part of the Somes Sound

You can make boat-trips there.....

.... or you can watch birds - like this Osprey hunting!!!



It needs a lot of power to lift that big fish!


What a wonderful bird of pray!!!


Monday, 07.07.2008  Pematic Mountain + Bar Harbour + Jordan Pond 


Climb to Pemetic Mtn.

What a view....

... to all sides: Here you can see Bar Harbour...

... and itīs islands nearby.

Bar Harbour

in the city




what a fantastic sailing ship

Acadia - in the center


View from "Car-Loop"

 "Jordan Pond"......

...Great Northern Loon (Breeding Plumage)



Lobster Creels

Highly recommanded: http://thurstonslobster.com/

here you choose a lobster....

... which becomes weighted, cooked and consumed by desire!


nice car signs you can found at the USA - each state with typical pictures or slogans







what a crass slogan.....



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