6. Along the Coast of New England + Whale-Watching at Stellwagen Bank


Tuesday, 08.07.2008 Going to Freeport + York-Beach


....Farmhouse - somewhere near Belfast / Augusta (Maine)

Sharp-shinned Hawk (Eckschwanz-Sperber) ???


Field of Lilies



Shopping - Pictures at Freeport at Kittery ("Outlets") I omit!!!

Bridges of Portsmouth at the border of  Maine - New-Hampshire


The night we went back to "York - Beach" which is north of Portsmouth!

York-Beach - a typical holiday resort



Wednesday, 09.07.2008 Going to Salisbury, Mass.


Morning at York-Beach


Water Lily - Pond



This sign you can find everywhere at the eastcoast of America - That means you look for a part of a street if there is garbage and collect it!

Nice villas here


...for me this looks like "Hotel New Hampshire" from John Irving

Our next stop was "Salisbury Beach State Reservation". Here we could watch some nice species ....

Glossy Ibis (Sichler)

 Common Tern (Fluss-Seeschwalbe)









Bonaparte´s Gull  (Bonapartmöwe)



Killdeer (Keilschwanz - Regenpfeifer)




School Bus

Northern Mockingbird (Spottdrossel)




Thursday, 10.07.2008  Glouchester (Cape Ann) - Whale-Watching 


Glouchester / Cape Ann


Here we booked

With this boat we went Stellwagen Bank

Old factory-building



nice to live

Someone built a castle with a big tower  similar to a french "Donjon"

after this there is the ocean

Skyline of Boston

any whale there?

Yes - a  Fin Whale!!!


Two of them

other boats are more crowded and therefore less comfortable then our´s

Humpback Whale











Whale food






Wilson´s Storm-Petrel (Buntfuß-Sturmschwalbe)

Greater Shearwater  (Großer Sturmtaucher)









Sooty Shearwater (Dunkler Sturmtaucher)

Bothe the species of shearwaters




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